Mangos Bar And Grill


  • “Mangos” is a 1956 popular song written by Sid Wayne and Dee Libbey.
  • (mango) large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit
  • A fruit indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, the mango belongs to the genus Mangifera, consisting of numerous species of tropical fruiting trees in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae. While other Mangifera species (e.g. Horse Mango, M.
  • A fleshy yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles or chutneys
  • The evergreen Indian tree of the cashew family that bears this fruit, widely cultivated in the tropics
  • A tropical American hummingbird that typically has green plumage with purple feathers on the wings, tail, or head


  • A metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire; a gridiron
  • grillroom: a restaurant where food is cooked on a grill
  • a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate; “he cooked hamburgers on the grill”
  • cook over a grill; “grill the sausages”
  • A portable device for cooking outdoors, consisting of such a framework placed over charcoal or gas fuel
  • A large griddle


  • prevent from entering; keep out; “He was barred from membership in the club”
  • A long rod or rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material, typically used as an obstruction, fastening, or weapon
  • A band of color or light, esp. on a flat surface
  • An amount of food or another substance formed into a regular narrow block
  • barroom: a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter; “he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar”
  • a counter where you can obtain food or drink; “he bought a hot dog and a coke at the bar”

mangos bar and grill

The Remains of 'Surf For Two' at The Mango Bar

The Remains of 'Surf For Two' at The Mango Bar
This was a really incredible meal that Q and I shared at The Mango Bar. It included lobster, crab, calamari, scallops and shrimp grilled with a citrusy garlic butter to dip into. Amazing! As you can see, we did not leave much for the gulls.

'Surf for Two' at The Mango Bar

'Surf for Two' at The Mango Bar
This was a really incredible meal that Q and I shared at The Mango Bar. It included lobster, crab, calamari, scallops and shrimp grilled with a citrusy garlic butter to dip into. Amazing!